Thursday, August 18, 2011

Changing the world...

It's been a long time between posts my friends but for good reason. I have been thwacking away on the keyboard trying to write and finish and perfect and re-write my book. Yes indeedy. In case you are unaware I have been writing a book (the most humorous work you've ever seen) about my pregnancy. Fingers crossed.

When last we met, I was looking for inspiration on what I could do for 365 days of the year and blog about. Like the movie Julie and Julia and countless other 365 endeavours that are occurring on blogs across the world.

I was slightly underwhelmed with the responses from my loyal followers (none). However, I blame you not, for everyone leads busy lives and who has time to think up such whimsical notions? Well I was inspired yesterday, quite unexpectedly, by a friend who was very excited about the 365 days of something. He suggested 365 days of training for the Hawaiian Iron Man and then actually competing in the Hawaiian Iron Man. Ho ho ho. While that may be something that a lot of people would be interested in following (considering the possibility of my dying during the training or competition would be incredibly high) I didn't think it feasible for me.

But the discussion got me thinking once again about the 365 day topic and then a sprig of an idea grew. I don't know about anyone else but for me, seeing the state of the world at the moment is almost too much to bear. There are more wars going on than you could possibly imagine, there are pirates and riots and all sorts of hideous evil-doings. It's just plain sad.

So what do I propose to do about it you may ask? I'll tell you...

For the next 365 days I am going to do a good deed a day. A GOOD DEED A DAY.

I don't mean donating all my worldly possessions and becoming a monk and moving to Tibet (though who knows how I'll feel by the end of my year). I mean daily gestures, small deeds that generally make the world a better place. Holding doors open, having a cup of tea with an elderly neighbour, not swearing blindly at a car who cuts me off, having sex with my husband (ho ho). You get the picture.

If you have some premeditated ideas for deeds I could do please send them in. Otherwise I'll just be going with organic, spur of the moment deeds. Either way works for me.

My good deed for today - Day 1 - is to upload a photo and update the blog that we've set up for Noam's Grandmamie and Grandpapi in France. It's the only way they get to see their little man and I need to be more diligent about it.

There you go. That was easy. And has definitely improved the world by making some people happy.

I feel good already. Until tomorrow do-gooders! xxx


  1. Love a good deed my friend! xxo

  2. Hi Kristine, I came to you via Abbey @ Gild & Grace (one of my favourite blogs). I love your idea, and look forward to following you, may even come up with some ideas for you. I'm always harping on to my 3 littlies about 'making someone's day' and 'help somebody every chance you get' - 'OK, whatever Mum' they say! ;D Good on you, I say. xxx
