Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Changing the world - Day 7

My good deed for today jumped up and bit me on the bum. I was at my Dad's this morning, helping him sell some stuff on EBay, when his very, very, extremely elderly neighbour hobbled outside to collect her bins.

I dashed over to take the bins from her and wheel them in myself while Dad had a chat. She is not well. Nosiree. Last time I saw her I took Noam over to cheer her up a bit but he burst into tears when he saw her. Bad timing.

Today she looked even more frail and sickly. I did not take Noam over.

Bringing the bins in for her was a pretty simple act but I think in the days and weeks to come I might keep Dad's neighbour in the forefront of my mind for good deeds.

Until tomorrow do-gooders xx

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  1. Great work dear. Can you dash over to mine and bring them in for me??? xoxo

  2. Good girl, and two good deeds - putting bins away and helping your Dad with his EBay. xxx
