Friday, August 26, 2011

Changing the world - Day 9

I'm a little bit obsessed at the moment with crowd-funded art websites. If you have no idea what they are then I hope I explain it clearly.

There are websites (predominantly) in the US where artists from all genres can upload their project ideas for the general public to browse. If you are browsing and like what you see you can contribute money to the cause and help the artist reach their goal. For instance - I could upload the first chapter of my book, write a really great pitch and hope people like it and pledge money to help me pay for publishing...make sense?

Artists usually offer incentives for contributions as well. Most authors offer a copy of the book or something like that. Anyhoo - best way to understand it is to go have a squiz at or

I was browsing around indiegogo today and found a book written by a couple of likely lasses called 'does this ponytail make my butt look big?' It's a style guide for women who don't have the wardrobe or money of Rachel Zoe. Cool idea I thought. So I pledged some money to help them on their way.

Donations can be as big or small as you like - my thought is every little helps!

So hopefully my good deed for the day will help a very worthwhile cause take off!

Until tomorrow do-gooders xx

Sent from my iPhone

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