Friday, August 19, 2011

Changing the world - Day 2

Isn't it lovely when you get mail? Real mail. In the letterbox, from someone you want to hear from. The sad fact is it rarely happens anymore. We're all so busy being 'connected' we've forgotten the pure joy derived from the simple things in life.

Today I decided to send a letter to a friend, just to let them know they're ace and someone is thinking of them.

I think I'm going to do that more often. It was easy, nice to write and fun to post. And I'm hoping will improve my friend's day when it's delivered.

Until tomorrow do-gooders xxx

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Mate you are off to a cracking start! Keep up the good work :) Abbey x

  2. Can't wait for the postman to arrive! Hehe
