Sunday, August 21, 2011

Changing the world - Day 4

Hello everyone,

Made it back from a wonderful weekend in Warrnambool. Managed to see a southern right whale and her calf mucking about at Logan's Beach. Very cool.

My good deed today didn't even require me to move from the computer. I signed the 'get up' petition supporting equality for our gay brothers and sisters! Let them suffer through a legally binding marriage like the rest of us I say! :-)

Seriously though - are we really still debating this? In 2011?! Ridiculous.

If you want to do something good today - click on the link below and stick your support where your mouth is...or something like that :-)

Until tomorrow do-gooders xxx

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Already done :-) yay - looks like you'll cruise through your good deed year-at least thru spring ;-)

  2. I am loving your blog, glad to have stumbled across it so early in to your 365 days. I think we can all learn something from your small efforts that no doubt mean the world to someone else. Good job!
