Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Changing the world - Day 34

It may seem to be a bit of a theme at the moment but today's good deed was another fan letter.

This one was in the musical genre however, and was looooooooong overdue. I am sure a few of you may be thinking 'what a tool. No-one sends fan mail except desperate stalkers.' Well If saying thank you to someone for inspiring me and helping me overcome tough times or celebrate good times is being a big loser / stalker then that is what I am.

Here's how I figure it - I say thank you a lot to my friends and family. For any number of things. A phone call, an invitation, a conversation, a laugh. Why then, shouldn't I say thank you to the people who, while they wouldn't know me from a twig, have been there for me in other ways? I should damn it. And so I have.

Today I wrote a thank you letter to Pearl Jam. After seeing their documentary 'Twenty' with some of my besties, I was transported back to a time when their music, quite seriously, helped me through each day.

Songs like 'Footsteps' I played on repeat as my heart slowly and torturously broke while I was pining for an unrequited love. I remember playing tennis with a girlfriend and with every shot we hit we had to sing another word to 'Daughter'. I have a photo of me and my friend after we had bought our first PJ concert ticket and could not contain ourselves. After a huge fight with my parents I put 'Indifference' on at a volume that I still cannot believe didn't permanently deafen me. And that is just the nip on the tip of the iceberg.

Pearl Jam have been an important part of my life for longer than some of my best mates. My good deed to send them a thank you letter isn't really a good deed. But a long overdue token of my appreciation for their music, their inspiration and their commitment to me and all their fans.

'I will stare the sundown, until my eyes go blind. I won't change direction and I won't change my mind...'

Until tomorrow do-gooders xx

1 comment:

  1. Love it KK! How great was the movie?! All that old footage took me back to circa year 9 when I would write my favorite band names on my cons in black texta! Ahh being a teenager in the 90's! Xx
