Sunday, September 18, 2011

Changing the world - Day 32

Today's good deed was one for the environment. Instead of driving my car down to Melbourne for a lovely lunch with gorgeous friends I opted to take the train.

The decision seemed perfectly simple this morning. Take the VLine, reduce my carbon footprint and not have to worry about having a glass of bubbles or two. I took my (very average) book with me (how can I not find a publisher when apparently Harper Collins will publish any diarrhea that falls out someone else's bum?) and had a little read on the way there (until it made me feel sick).

It was on the return journey that I began to rue my environmental good deed.

First, I left my (very average) book in my friend's handbag at lunch because I was traveling lightly and had nowhere to keep it myself. So I had to find other amusements on the journey home and there were very few. In fact, the only thing that managed to (unfortunately) hold my attention were the soles of the feet of two incredibly weary young women who, by the tell-tale faded stamps on their wrists, were just making their way home from the night before.

The reason their feet were so visually compelling was because they were facing me and the soles were black and crusty and falling off. It was a revolting sight but I couldn't stop staring. (They were asleep so I didn't get busted looking like a foot-fetish perv). If I'd have had a ped-egg in my vicinity I'm not sure I could've stopped myself from giving them a good scrub...except for the fact that it appeared highly likely I might catch some gutter disease from them.

Anyhoo. That was my entertainment for the 50 minute ride home. Minging feet.

But my good deed was done. Yay me, yay trains and yay the environment!

Until tomorrow do-gooders xx

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