Monday, September 12, 2011

Changing the world - Day 26

Let me just say straight up that I have never written a fan letter. Nosiree. I possibly contemplated it when 'Speed' came out and I was obsessed with Keanu Reeves but I'm pretty sure I never sent one. Pretty sure.

But today I decided to tell someone that their work has influenced me considerably so I sent some fan mail to....(drum roll) Andrew Bolt. Ba ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I just wanted to tell him that I thought his positions on refugees and climate change were bang on and it was high time someone with a bit of intellect infiltrated the Herald Sun offices. Ba ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Seriously though - I did send a fan letter today to Tom Robbins, author of at least one of the greatest books of all time (in my humble opinion) 'Jitterbug Perfume'. Love, love, love that book. You may be wondering why it was not in my top 10 books that I gave away (am still giving away - I have four left if you fancy doing a good deed!) and the answer is it was not on my bookshelf the day I wrote that post. True. I had lent it to my Dad who is currently enjoying it and so I had to omit it since I didn't have a copy to set free.

Anyhoo, in my fan letter (I wrote it on the back of an Australian postcard that showed how Europe fits into Australia with loads of space left over - clever AND educational) I told Mr Robbins that Jitterbug Perfume was one of the greatest stories I'd read and had helped inspire me to follow my writing dreams. I also invited him to become a member of my blog - what a coup that would be! I have a vision of Tom and I becoming quite chummy and having a rollicking good time sharing brilliant book ideas and witty anecdotes.

So keep your eyes glued to my members list. 15 may seem a paltry number but it's all about quality isn't it? And my members (and Tom Robbins) are quality.

Until tomorrow do-gooders xx

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic thing to do! I hope you get a reply. Keep us posted :) xx
