Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Changing the world - Day 14
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Changing the world - Day 13
Today I had a day off. I visited my Dad. Went shopping with a friend. She colored my hair. Then I had a lovely dinner at a fave haunt with another couple of besties.
By the time I got home I was exhausted. But a different, nice kind of exhausted. Then I made the shocking realisation I'd forgotten to do a good deed!
OMG! As the kids say these days. I had no idea what to do given I was already in bed. My husband suggested something rude (you can guess) - I told him to go whistle :-)
I looked to Facebook for inspiration and noticed a little 1 on my messages icon. A nice diversion I thought! Who had written me a note? I clicked on it and lo, a friend had sent a link asking if anyone wanted to sponsor her wee niece in the MS Read-a-thin! No shit!
I love the MS read-a-thon. I still remember cheating in it when I was in primary school. All my neighbors would sponsor me for 10 or 20 cents per book but unbeknownst to them I was skim reading 100 Little Golden Books. On collection day I'd be collecting a good 10 or 20 bucks of everyone. Result!
My friend's niece had delightfully stated her target amount to reach was 20 cents. Ah bless! How could I not donate to such a worthy cause on behalf of such an adorable child?
So there you have it - good deed opportunities can pop out at you any time, any place. You just have to be ready for them.
Until tomorrow do-gooders xx
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Monday, August 29, 2011
Changing the world - Day 12
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Changing the world - Day 11
I have had some rather heated debates in the past with a couple of my friends regarding the cinematic credentials of the movie '27 Dresses'. I contend that that film has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, while some buddies are adamant it should be hailed a classic rom-com.
I was informed yesterday by a very considerate friend, that the movie in question was being screened on channel 11 tonight.
My good deed for today incorporates the following: unprecedented restraint at not putting my foot through the tv.
Ignoring an overwhelming desire to create a Katherine Hiegel voodoo doll and stick pins in it for hours on end.
Resisting the temptation to go on a wild, random shooting spree in protest that such an abomination was ever allowed to assault our eyes and ears.
So you see, sometimes a good deed is not what you do, but what you don't do. Amen brother.
Until tomorrow do-gooders xx
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Saturday, August 27, 2011
Changing the world: Day 10
I took a very good friend of mine to an excellent maternity bra shop to get some uber comfy bra's for her expanding boosies.
On the flip side - I took a lovely customer into a fantastic local shop called Bodywise and increased the knowledge of their presence outside of Woodend!
Yay me! And yay for boobs!
Until tomorrow do-gooders x
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Friday, August 26, 2011
Changing the world - Day 9
There are websites (predominantly) in the US where artists from all genres can upload their project ideas for the general public to browse. If you are browsing and like what you see you can contribute money to the cause and help the artist reach their goal. For instance - I could upload the first chapter of my book, write a really great pitch and hope people like it and pledge money to help me pay for publishing...make sense?
Artists usually offer incentives for contributions as well. Most authors offer a copy of the book or something like that. Anyhoo - best way to understand it is to go have a squiz at or
I was browsing around indiegogo today and found a book written by a couple of likely lasses called 'does this ponytail make my butt look big?' It's a style guide for women who don't have the wardrobe or money of Rachel Zoe. Cool idea I thought. So I pledged some money to help them on their way.
Donations can be as big or small as you like - my thought is every little helps!
So hopefully my good deed for the day will help a very worthwhile cause take off!
Until tomorrow do-gooders xx
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
Changing the world - Day 8
Bashing away on the computer I was pleasantly surprised when my Dad turned up on my doorstep for lunch. While eating he commented on the beautiful daffodils growing in our yard.
I had not taken the time to notice them but when I stopped and stared I was overwhelmed by their magic. The colour just makes you happy don't you think?
So I picked a few for my study - I'm hoping they encourage me to keep persisting in what can be a pretty disheartening pursuit.
And I hope they inspire you too - to do whatever it is that you want to...
Until tomorrow do-gooders xx
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Changing the world - Day 7
I dashed over to take the bins from her and wheel them in myself while Dad had a chat. She is not well. Nosiree. Last time I saw her I took Noam over to cheer her up a bit but he burst into tears when he saw her. Bad timing.
Today she looked even more frail and sickly. I did not take Noam over.
Bringing the bins in for her was a pretty simple act but I think in the days and weeks to come I might keep Dad's neighbour in the forefront of my mind for good deeds.
Until tomorrow do-gooders xx
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Changing the world - Day 6
As I was zooming down the Calder Freeway today on my way to my Dad's place, I realised that as Chris de Burgh hit the crescendo in 'Lady in Red', I didn't quite. Actually I did not hit it at all.
My dad took up piano when he retired a/ because he loves the piano and b/ because he thinks it might ward off any possibility of Alzheimer's taking hold. Fair enough too. So I asked him if his piano teacher might be able to recommend a singing teacher to help me reach the heady heights of Chris de Burgh. He said he'd ask, she said she knew someone and bish bash bosh - I've locked myself in to some singing classes.
This is most definitely a good deed - just ask anyone who's heard my rendition of Lady in Red or anything else for that matter!
A friend of mine imparted some wisdom to me once upon a time. She said she'd always wanted to play the violin and had been telling all and sundry as much for years. For her 40th birthday she booked in for some lessons and was told that if she'd started when she'd first thought of it she would've been proficient already.
Hmmm - good point. By my 40th birthday then you'll probably see me at number 1 on the top 40! So you see - this good deed just keeps on giving.
Until tomorrow do-gooders xx
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Monday, August 22, 2011
Changing the world - Day 5
Had a bit of a bad night last night with a rather unfortunate upset stomach. This morning I wondered what good deed I could do from the comfort of my own home.
But the sunshine and some encouragement from friends inspired me to get out and get a bit of vitamin D (is that the one you get from the sun?) on my sickly skin.
What a brilliant idea. I'm so pleased I did it. Spring is really in the air, the cherry blossoms are blooming, magnolia trees are at their most beautiful and the birdies were tweeting away.
I thought I'd walk until something struck me and it did. I saw the local library in the distance and thought what an important service they provide. Being a huge book lover I had joined the library when we first moved to Woodend but in 2 years I've been about twice - when my Internet was broken at home.
So I slouched about the library looking at all my possible borrowing options. Surprisingly they were extensive (in the fiction section anyway) and I borrowed a book titled 'Dear Editor'. I thought that was appropriate at the moment :-)
So there you have it. Good deed for today was utilising the public library. I'm making a promise to myself to go more regularly because they're ace and where would we be if they disappeared?
Until tomorrow do-gooders x
PS - thank you to everyone who has left a lovely message of encouragement. I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment x
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
Changing the world - Day 4
Made it back from a wonderful weekend in Warrnambool. Managed to see a southern right whale and her calf mucking about at Logan's Beach. Very cool.
My good deed today didn't even require me to move from the computer. I signed the 'get up' petition supporting equality for our gay brothers and sisters! Let them suffer through a legally binding marriage like the rest of us I say! :-)
Seriously though - are we really still debating this? In 2011?! Ridiculous.
If you want to do something good today - click on the link below and stick your support where your mouth is...or something like that :-)
Until tomorrow do-gooders xxx
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Saturday, August 20, 2011
Changing the world - day 3
Somehow, a few of the little treelings had lost their protective milk cartons so I went back to the site with frenchy and fixed them.
Easy peasy. I would put a photo up of the little trees we 'saved' (maybe a little dramatic?!) but I can't work out how to add more than one photo from my phone. Not very technologically advanced :-)
Until tomorrow do-gooders xxx
Friday, August 19, 2011
Changing the world - Day 2
Today I decided to send a letter to a friend, just to let them know they're ace and someone is thinking of them.
I think I'm going to do that more often. It was easy, nice to write and fun to post. And I'm hoping will improve my friend's day when it's delivered.
Until tomorrow do-gooders xxx
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