Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Words I hate

There are some words that just really make you cringe. They seem to so aptly represent themselves it's scary. As Shakespeare said - would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? It's a good question - if roses were called 'anuses' would you shove your nose right in there? Anus, by the way, is a word I hate. The only acceptable pronunciation of it is by Borat 'Aah-noose' and that's just because it makes it sound like something different.

I know a lot of people who dislike the word 'moist'. Now, to be honest, that one doesn't bother me so much because I can still associate moist with a cake or other baked-good. Apparently though, many people can't get their 'moist' thoughts out of their panties. And that is a word I hate. Panties really seems like something a peado would say. It's creepy.

Another word I hate is fanny. I know a lot of my most hated words seem to reside in the nether regions but seriously...fanny? It's a woman's name for God's sake. And a bum in America. How come we've decided that fanny is a good synonym for vagina? It's not. It makes me think of big, flappy, dumbo ears waving around in desperate need of some femme fresh. Yuck.

What about puss? Not a cat but the stuff that oozes out of a septic wound. Puss. Doesn't it just describe itself perfectly? The very word conjures images of seeping, yellow gunk sticking painfully to gauze.

There are so many words that freak me out I could carry on all day. Foetus is gross (feet - eat - eating babies??), flatulence (grim), proboscis (sounds like someone is going to probe you with their enormous nose).

I'm going to keep a list from now on of all the words I hate and try to never use them in conversation or writing. Should make the porno set in a hospital I was thinking to start a bit difficult.

Until tomorrow xx

1 comment:

  1. I thought fanny derived its meaning from 'sweet' Fanny Adams, which is also a euphemism for 'nothing', but having looked up who Fanny Adams was I stand ashamed and corrected.


    What about phrases that suck?
