Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's BUDGET love. Really? How about I smash you in the nuts

Is it just me or does anyone else want to smash everyone in the Budget Insurance commercial? I don't even get the ad. Why is she bunging on a shit French accent? And most confusingly, is she meant to be married to that guy who looks like her Dad? I just thought she was some freakin' wacko riding around singing that stupid song when an old, patronising fart pulled over to tell her she was mispronouncing it. For the longest time I thought she should've just punched him in the face for sticking his bib in.

Then a mate told me no, he was supposed to be her husband, hence his condescending 'love' referral at the end. Really? I did not make that connection at all. And to be honest, I still thought she should've punched him in the face. Probably more so since he should be used to her (shit) accent if he's married to her.

Then I saw the ad's sequel (?!) when Michael (is that his name?) sticks his head into her shower to correct her again. I started to believe my friend was right that they knew each other. Otherwise she is a total faux-French slapper who gets off on being told what to do by geriatrics that she's picked up on her daily bike ride.

Now it seems the husband Michael has been done away with in the new commercial. Instead, some stranger sticks his head in her car window to tell her how to pronounce 'Budget' properly. She must be getting well pissed off with interfering fu**wits telling her how to speak. I'd start carrying a can of mace with me if I was her and the next smartarse male to tell me how to speak would cop a faceful.

The ad is so idiotic that it's upsetting me to even write about. If that commercial had have been pitched to Amanda Woodward at D&D Advertising on Melrose Place she would've head-butted the presenter and then fired them. And it's all they deserve!

Until tomorrow xx

1 comment:

  1. Yes so very annoying! I did pick them as husband and wife but thought it quite a strange advertising concept!
