Saturday, July 27, 2013


I used to know everything about parenting. The number of times I saw people 'doing it wrong' was staggering. A toddler getting a treat to stem a tantrum in the supermarket? Outrageous! Kids eating in front of the TV? You're kidding me. Parents handing over an I-Phone to keep their kids quiet. Appalling.

And then I had kids. I reckon I've done all three of those examples in the space of an hour. Does that make me a bad parent? My kids better hope not 'cause they're stuck with me. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

Recently my eldest son (Noam, who's 3) has developed a very serious attachment to the I-Pad. He regularly hollers for 'my I-Pad' which just sounds like mY-Pad when he desperately yells it to any fiend who may be keeping it from him.

He loves it. And, in all honestly, he knows how to work it better than I do. Which is both horrifying and incredible simultaneously. If we let him, Noam would sit playing games on the I-Pad for hours. Sometimes I do let him have it for longer than I'd like just so I can get the housework done. The I-Pad is an excellent babysitter.

I started to feel bad about the level of his addiction until I remembered a little something from my childhood. It looked like this:


The I-Pad of the eighties: Nintendo Game and Watch. My sister owned this one (Parachute) and another (Octopus) both of which I would happily while a full day away playing. I'm pretty sure my parents thought this 'Nintendo' was the best thing ever invented.

I still played outside, still amused myself with books and puzzles, but thoroughly enjoyed Parachute when I played it. Just like Noam. He loves play-dough, train sets and books too. He just also happens to love mY-Pad. And I've decided there's nothing wrong with that.

So if you happen to see me wheeling two kids around the shopping centre, one playing mY-Pad and the other mY-phone, try not to judge us. 'Cause if I see your disapproving stares I will come over there and bust your...I mean try not to judge us. Just because you might not do things exactly the same, doesn't mean we're doing things wrong.

Until next time xx  

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